End of the Year Gift for Rex’s Teacher!

Well the end of the year is finally here! 2015-2016 has been an interesting year for us! Interesting in a great way though!
My sweet little guy has graduated from Pre-K and is wrapping up is last week at school. Isn’t he adorable! 🙂

Anyway, we wanted to do something fabulous for his teacher for her end of the year gift, she has been amazing to him this year and I am so thankful for her!
I’m going to show you the finished product first, then tell you how I did it and where I got all of the items you need to make it!
See? I told you it was fabulous! What teacher wouldn’t love a basket full of ice-cream fixins (yes, I said fixins, I am from Texas.) 🙂 Besides, Mrs. Megan has two daughters of her own, ice-cream is probably a staple around her house if her children are ANYTHING like mine!
How did I do this? It really was simple and relatively inexpensive! First, head on over to Primarily Speaking’s Blog and download these adorable tags. I laminated mine, you do not have to but I found that they stick and stand up better if you do.
Then I found the cups and spoons on Amazon.

The rest of the items I grabbed from Target!
These were a steal in the dollar spot at Target! I bought three of them, and they were perfect for the treats that go on top of ice-cream!

I did sprinkles (or jimmies) in one, M&M’s in another, and nuts in the last one.

I bought a little treat bag in the dollar section too but ended up not using it, so I rolled it up and put it in the basket too. That is what these jars are sitting on right here though. 🙂

I also snagged this string in the dollar section of Target. I tied some around the set of spoons to keep them together, then tied some around each of the things I included in the basket (the glass jars, hot fudge sauce, and caramel sauce.)

Now, I am terrible…I repeat terrible at arranging things in baskets for gifts. It’s pathetic really, but this one worked out okay. I put tissue paper in the bottom and just began arranging. It took a while, but I finally got it the way I wanted!

Then I added the tags!
I did this one on the front, and the “Just Add Ice-Cream” one in the basket!

And once again, you have the finished product!

I truly can’t wait to give this to his teacher, it was so fun to make! Rex even helped me on some of it!

Anyway, I hope this helps you and you find this as adorable as I did! Have a fabulous summer everyone!!

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